Today Square Enix hosted the 83rd Final Fantasy XIV Letter from the Producer Live from Tokyo Game Show providing the first information about update 7.1, which will be the first after the launch of the expansion Dawntrail.
As usual, Producer and Director Naoki Yoshida and Global Community Producer Toshio Murouchi were on stage to provide all the relevant news during the livestreamed event.
We start with the reveal of the update’s key art, which is certainly interesting and include some memorable elements for Final Fantasy XI fans. The title will be “Crossroads” and it’ll release in mid-November 2024.

We get to see the first screenshots of the main story quest.

Next is the new Allied Society Quest, the Pelupelu

And the new Custom Deliveries NPC, Nitowikwe.

We’re also getting additional role quests. These will require having completed all the role quests in 7.0.

Next, is a look at the Additional Wachimeqimeqi Quests for gatherers and crafters.

Inevitably, the update will also include the start of the “Inconceivably Further Hildibrand Adventures” with the return of Hildibrand and his goofy assistant Nashu. What we’ll see in 7.1 will be a prologue of their adventures in the 7.X cycle.

The update will include New Game+ support for the main scenario quests, job quests, and role quests up to update 7.0 (Dawntrail).
The Duty Support will be added moving forward for non-main scenario quest dungeons as well. Halatali will also be included.
The Hall of the Novice will get its own updates. Training for specific battle mechanics will be added, unlocked at level 49. You can see some examples below.

PvE jobs will be getting an update but the developers are trying to avoid nerfing anyone in favor of improving the jobs that need it. More details about this will be shared in the next broadcast.
PvP is getting an update with extensive refactoring of the execution and hit detection of PvP actions. PvP actions will also be added for every job besides Viper and Pictomancer, and some will be adjusted.
Improvements will be implemented for the arenas of Red Sands and Cloud Nine, and Frontline and Rival Wings will get balance adjustments. Series 7 will also begin.
Moving back to PvE, we get the first look at a new instanced dungeon, Yuweyawata Field Station.

Next, we hear about the new alliance raid, titled “Echoes of Vana’diel” and inspired by Final Fantasy XI.
Part 1 will be titled “Jeuno: the First Walk” and below you can see a screenshot that definitely showcases the streets of the familiar city of Jeuno. The second screenshot is definitely a reference to the Shadowlord boss battle.
Veteran developers from the FFXI team are working on this.

We’re also getting a new trial, The Ministrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden, the EX version of Dawntrail’s final trial.

A new Unreal Trial is coming as well, The Jade Stoa (Unreal).

A new type of battle content is coming, and it’s the “Chaotic Alliance Raid.” The first will be The Cloud of Darkness (Chaotic). It’s a more challenging version of the original and the developers may add more if the feedback on the first is positive.
The reward system is new and is intended to encourage doing it often to help others.

We already knew that we’d get a new ultimate raid, Futures Rewritten (Ultimate). This is coming after patch 7.1.

The Doman Mahjong is getting its own update with voiced reactions and commentary from the Scions. They can be purchased at the Gold Saucer with MGP.

Housing is getting an update with the interior renovation feature, allowing you to select interior design from different housing wards made available regardless of where your house is. On top of that, new designs will be added.
The renovation will be free and will be doable as many times as you want. That being said, your placed items will all be placed in storage automatically.
The developers are also working on adding interiors of different sizes compared to the exteriors for future patches. Basically, if you have a small house, you could implement a large interior, but it won’t be free. You’ll be charged a yet undisclosed amount in gil. This will not be ready for 7.1 and will be implemented down the line.

Final Fantasy XIV is currently available for PC, PS5, PS4, and Xbox Series X|S. The new expansion, titled “Dawntrail” was released in early July.
Interestingly a mobile game titled Final Fantasy XIV: Crystal World was approved by the Chinese authorities a few weeks ago.
During the first day of the Fan Festival in China, Yoshida-san himself provided more details and images about upcoming content. Additional screenshots of new features were shown at PAX West.