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Viva La Dirt League Getting its Own Video Game by FusionPlay and Team 17

Team 17 FusionPlay Viva la Dirt League

Today publisher team 17 announced that it partnered with developer FusionPlay to create a video game dedicated by the folks at Viva la Dirt League.

If you’re not familiar with Viva la Dirt League, it’s New Zealand-based YouTube channel and studio, known for comedy skits mostly focused on the parody of video games and a gaming store.

Among their vast repertoires, we see parodies of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Final Fantasy XIV, PUBG, and many more.

It was founded in 2011 by Rowan Bettjeman, Alan Morrison, and Adam King, and several more actors have joined the cast over the years, including Byron Coll, Hamish Parkinson, David Correos, Britt Scott Clark, Ben Van Lier, Ellie Harwood, Phoenix Cross, Rhiannon McCall, Rory Nolan, and Robert Hartley.

The press release mentions that the partnership will “bring the humor of Viva La Dirt League full circle, with their own foray into creating a video game.”

At the moment, we don’t know anything about the video game being created, including platforms, genre, or pretty much any other detail. Viva La Dirt League fans will have to wait for a while longer.

We hear a comment from Ann Hurley, Team17 Digital General Manager:

“We’re thrilled to collaborate with such a fantastic team of developers! Team17 is excited to share our expertise in the publishing industry with Fusion Play and Viva La Dirt League”

Next, we hear from FusionPlay CEO Konrad Kunze.

“Working with the guys from Viva La Dirt League is a blast. Creating a game around this exciting IP, which we are all fans of, is really amazing. Then having a partnership with Team 17, the indie Icon we all know and loved since our childhoods, feels like the icing on the cake.”

Finally, a comment from the folks at Viva La Dirt League.

“It’s finally happening! Our parody series about a pretend video game is actually becoming…A REAL GAME?! We are beyond thrilled to be partnering with the incredible teams at Fusion Play and Team17! This dream collaboration brings our fictional world to life in a whole new way. Get ready for Epic NPC Man’s epic debut in the REAL gaming universe – we can’t wait to share it with you!

FusionPlay is known for VR and indie games including Across The Valley, Konrad’s Kittens, PotionParty, pixelBOT Extreme!, and Fusion Play Heroes.

Of course, we’ll let you know if we hear anything further about the video game being developed from Team17 or FusionPlay.

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