Vampire Survivors developer, poncle, released a 2024 wrap-up that held several 2025 plans in it. While some are mere teases, others are more tangible goals that fans can look forward to.
The first of these is cross-save. It’s supposed to come to all platforms with content patch 1.13. Additionally, online co-op should come this year, too. Currently, Vampire Survivors only has local co-op.
New “cross-media” reveals will hopefully be revealed this year as well. Poncle was quick to say that this isn’t news on a live-action film (though it’s still working with Story Kitchen on that, but it’s respecting the current strikes). However, the group has been working on other cross-media things in the background, which should be revealed this year.
A Chaos Roadmap that shows Vampire Survivors plans for 2024/2025 was released, and players can check it out to get an overview of everything that’s been released in the past and what’s to come.

2025 patches will be a bit heavier this year. Because Vampire Survivors is on so many platforms, the QA process is much longer. The best way to work with this is not to release so many updates, so each update will have more in them.
Currently, there are three “update cycles” that developers are trying to complete. They include fixing recycled stages, creating special stages for pickups, and Darkanas.
In 2022, new stages were made with recycled assets from past stages. While it was quick to do, it felt cheap to the main developer, Luca. However, these stages are unlocked by playing the Inverse version of each state, so they’re completing these.
The second cycle involves making stages for all of the pickups in Vampire Survivors. According to Luca, these will include “the most stupidest stages ever,” along with serious stages.
And, of course, there are still 17 Darkanas to make.
There’s no time on the next updates, so they could be goals for 2025 or beyond. The first of these is adding more Adventures. This includes one for Tides of Foscari. There’s also talk about one for Ode to Castlevania, though there are no promises.
While Ode to Castlevania was a great expansion, it came with a small problem — all future DLCs and expansions will have to live up to it. Because of this, future paid content will take longer to complete, especially collaborations. However, there is hope for at least one more original expansion, it just might not be in 2025.
Additionally, poncle is working on different ways to stream Vampire Survivor’s soundtrack. Right now, the soundtrack can be found on YouTube. The licensing is complicated though, so seeing a Spotify playlist for Ode to Castlevania isn’t coming for quite a while.
There was also talk about six Vampire Survivors things that feature other indie devs. Two have been greenlit, two are “still cooking,” and two are new projects. There’s no news on what these are, but the tease is enough to keep players talking.

The 2024 Vampire Survivors wrap-up video goes through everything the game has accomplished in the past year. Fans can watch it below: