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Lockheed JetStar for Microsoft Flight Simulator Gets New Screenshots and Details Ahead of Early Access Release

Big Radials shared more information and details about the upcoming Lockheed JetStar on its Discord server.
The specific model simulated is the JetStar I with the PW JT12-8A Jet Turbines producing 3300 lbs thrust each. There will be only one interior at launch, which you can see in the screenshots.
The CIVA INS will be initially inoperative, but functionality will be added in each update until it’s fully operational. It’ll use GPS system calls under the hoot but f sales are “really really good” the developers will ditch the GPS system calls and implement “full simulation of the Inertial Navigation calculations based on the Initial position and then timed updates using windspeed, heading, airspeed, and drift.”
Sounds will be “good” at launch but they’ll improve during the early access as well. Handling at high and medium speeds is also “quite good” with attention now focused on improving low-speed flight and stall characteristics.
There will be a reference to Elvis Presley. At a minimum, there will be a dedicated livery.
Boeing 777 Freighter Teased With New Screenshot

PMDG has showcased another screenshot of the Boeing 777 freighter, showing the cargo cabin with two vintage cars loaded.
The aircraft is currently in beta and release is expected by the end of the month.
Sandtoft Airfield Released for Microsoft Flight Simulator
Perseverance Scenery Developers released Sandtoft Airfield (EGCF) in the United Kingdom.
This small but historically significant airport is available on Simmarket for $10.92.
If you’d like to get into flight simulation but you’re perhaps a bit intimidated by its apparent complexity, you can read our introductory guide, alongside the second episode focusing on installing add-ons, and another showcasing the basic instruments.
You can also read more flight simulation news in the previous roundup article.