While Star Citizen isn’t a finished game, its community has been using it as a platform for its own content and events for a long time, enter the Daymar Rally.
Organized by Atmo Esports, the Daymar Rally is defined as “the filthiest race in the ‘Verse” and has been organized annually for quite a while. It’s so popular among Star Citizen fans that it has been included in the game’s official lore.
It’s a 510 km-long endurance race inspired by the present world’s Paris Dakar in which not only the competitors can shoot each other if they so will, bit pirates and other manners or wrongdoers can track racers down and have their way with them.
It’s done on Daymar, the desert moon of Crusader in the Stanton System, and like the Paris Dakar, it has thee classes, Bikes, Buggies, and Trucks.

The 2955 Edition’s winners have been decreed:
Bike Class
- What a Mesh AMRK
- FFK – Knight Riders
- Speedy Grumps
Buggy Class
- Scire Racing
- Turbor Dust Masters
- 1er Corps Colonial
Truck Class
- Ramp Rocks
- Disaster Courier Services
- Kuroda Njord Ops Racing
This edition was not without spectacle, with plenty of exciting moments to see. In case you missed it, you can watch the recording on demand below.
This is another showcase of Star Citizen’s potential as a platform for esports (which we already saw a few months ago at CitizenCon), albeit much work remains to be done to ensure stability and predictability. One thing is for certain. The folks at Atmo Esports should be commended for pulling off something like this every year.
Incidentally, if you’re wondering about the year 2955, it’s the official date in Star Citizen. It’s set 930 years in the future and time progresses in parallel with our world.
If you’re unfamiliar with Star Citizen, it’s a crowdfunded project directed by Chris Roberts, whom you may know for the classic Wing Commander series. It’s a multiplayer sandbox space simulator that has been in development for over a decade and in alpha for several years. It will be released exclusively for PC at some point in the future.
The crowdfunding total is almost at $779 million and it’s currently at $778,914,186. The game also has 5,513,283 registered users, albeit not all of them are paid customers. Many simply create an account to enjoy the occasional free-to-play periods.
2024 was the second-best year ever for Star Citizen’s crowdfunding campaign, missing the record only by roughly one million.
A few months ago, Cloud Imperium Games showcased plenty of features and tech coming to the game, on top of the overall vision for version 1.0, which will be the full release of the game, albeit it doesn’t yet have a date.
A single-player campaign titled Squadron 42 is also in development, starring an exceptional cast of famous actors including Mark Hamill, Henry Cavill, Gary Oldman, Liam Cunningham, Gillian Anderson, and more. Recently we saw plenty of gameplay and learned that it’ll release in 2026.
Since the project has been in development for over a decade, you can also see how Squadron 42 evolved since its first reveals.
Full disclosure: the author of this article has backed Star Citizen’s crowdfunding campaign.