Today Cows revealed new images and details of the upcoming Diamond DA40-XLS for Microsoft Flight Simulator and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024
The reveal was made via the opening of the store page on Orbx Direct, albeit the aircraft still isn’t available for purchase and doesn’t have an officially announced release date.
The aircraft, which has been developed for MSFS 2020 and will be compatible with MSFS 2024 at launch, has been portrayed in the fetching screenshots that you can enjoy in the gallery below.

We also get plenty of details, including what we can expect from the visual model, textures, and animation.
- Light-baked photorealistic reflections and ray-traced shadows & lighting textures
- Faithful exterior model cross-referenced with hundreds of pictures
- Intricate interior model featuring moderate and heavy wear
- Two interior options of black panel/standard grey furnishings
- Subtle and photorealistic photo-overlays for incredible lifelike textures
- All placards sourced and positioned from Diamond maintenance manuals
- Exterior features realistic moderate to heavy dirt/wear, matching reference DA40
- Fiberglass scratching on the fuselage, wings, and empennage
- Realistic bug splatter on the leading edge of wings, cowlings, and various other areas referenced from local DA40
- Subtle panel vibrations during ignition, takeoff, and landing to include free-castering nose gear shimmy
Of course, what many will be interest in is the accuracy of the flight model and features.
- Accurate Performance and handling with over 1000 hours of testing from DA40 pilots, students, and instructors
- Replicated performance and behaviors on maneuvers from FAA’s Commercial Airplane ACS to include: Lazy Eights, Chandelles, Steep Spirals, and 8s-on-Pylons
- Accurate precision landing performance, descent rate, induced drag, to replicate Short-Field Approach and Landings, Power-Off 180° Accuracy Approach and Landings
- Airframe shakes during ground power runs
- Hot-swappable castering or steerable nose gear
We also hear about the advanced avionics.
- Fully custom DA40 EIS page with Lean assist and interface to control failures and other features
- Accurate electrical system with circuit breakers, alternator voltage simulation and parasitic losses
- Custom standby flight instrumentation
- Custom AFCS and trim system with adjustable speed
- Custom lighting that warms up and responds to system voltage
- Engine damage, state saving, and 130+ random failures
- Automatic localizer back course switching and multiple fixes to native Asobo systems
The engine and mechanics have also been simulated accurately.
- Accurate engine performance in relation to manifold pressure, RPM, and pumping losses
- Custom combustion simulation for startup
- Throttle valve, venturi, fuel servo, and induction system simulation
- Per cylinder: Mixture, Fuel Atomisation, EGT, CHT, Spark, Air and Oil cooling simulation
- Custom fuel and oil pressure system simulation
- Per user randomly generated engine variance and behaviors to provide everyone with a unique experience
Last but not least, here’s what you can expect from the aircraft’s audio.
- Developed from the creator of sounds behind the COWS DA42 Series, FBW A32NX, FlightFX vision jet and others.
- Dynamic engine, wind, and ground roll sounds
- Engine sounds differ depending on prop pitch, fuel flow, and speed
- Dynamic wind sounds, howling sounds in slips and drag noises with flaps
- Sounds sourced from first-party sources, local DA40
- Headset simulation
We already know that the aircraft will also come for X-Plane, but we don’t know when that’ll happen just yet besides the fact that it’ll be after the MSFS release.
Microsoft Flight Simulator is currently available for both PC and Xbox Series X|S.
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 is currently available for the same platforms. if you want to see the visual difference against Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, you can enjoy our video and screenshot comparison.
You can also check out our in-depth analysis of how much data the simulator downloads from the cloud, clearing the air from some widespread misinformation that made the rounds over the past few weeks.
You can also watch our latest interview with Jorg Neumann, the previous interview with Neumann himself and Sebastian Wloch, another with Asobo CCO David Dedeine, and one featuring Chris Burnett of Working Title and Brandon Yaeger of Got Friends about their work on MSFS 2024.