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Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising Reveals Sandalphon Gameplay and Release Date

Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising Sandalphon

Today, during the Cygames Cup hosted in Yokohama, Cygames revealed the release date and the first gameplay of the next character coming to Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising, Sandalphon.

The fan-favorite fighter (which was originally announced during Granblue Fantasy Fes in December 2024) will arrive on February 26, 2025, and he’ll be the first character of the second season pass, which will include four more additions to the roster.

During the livestreamed event, we got to see his flashy moves in action, and the game certainly captures what we have seen much more stylized in the original mobile game.

You can check it out below.

The release of Sandalphon next month will mark just the beginning of the second character pass, which will include four more characters to be released sequentially in spring 2025, summer 2025, fall 2025, and early 2026.

At the moment, their identities have not been revealed, and I would expect the next character to be announced at the anniversary live stream which should air around March.

Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising is currently available for PS5, PS4, and PC.

If you’re unfamiliar with it, it’s a fighting game based on the popular Granblue Fantasy mobile game. It was originally released as Granblue Fantasy: Versus, but Cygames’ esports ambitions were radically hindered by COVID-19, which basically killed in-person fighting game events.

Yet, the re-release launched successfully and has been included in EVO’s main lineup in 2024 and has just been announced as a main event for 2025 as well. Cygames and Arc System Works’ determination certainly appears to have paid off.

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