SCS Software revealed a gallery of screenshots of the upcoming Missouri DLC coming to American Truck Simulator.
The screenshots focus on some of the Rest Stops that can be found around gas stations along major routes such as I-29, U.S. Route 36, U.S. Route 65, and one outside Jefferson City.
Of course, they’re reproductions of real locations, so it would be unsurprising if someone living in Missouri happened to see a familiar place.
You can check them all out below.

The Missouri DLC is coming down the line for American Truck Simulator, which is currently available only for PC.
At the moment, a release date has not been announced. It’s not the only expansion in the works, as SCS Software is also working on Arkansas.
If you’re not familiar with American Truck Simulator the 2016 successor released exclusively for PC of SCS Software’s super-popular Euro Truck Simulator, which launched all the way back in 2012.
Both games ended up living side by side and both continue to get updated regularly, including both free and paid content. Many wonder how these games have managed to be as successful as they are, and it’s probably due to their relaxing and almost cathartic nature.
If you enjoy simulation, why not trying flight simulation? If you’d like some initial guidance to get past the complexity bump, you can read our introductory guide, alongside the second episode focusing on installing add-ons, and another showcasing the basic instruments.
You can also check out more flight simulation news in yesterday’s roundup article.