While you’d usually see Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024’s landscapes from above, it’s possible to drive vehicles on the ground, and Project Crosskart by Got Friends is the latest.
As a matter of fact, we get to test it out before release, which will happen tomorrow, February 28, 2025, for both MSFS 2024 and 2020. It’ll also come to Xbox as soon as the MSFS 2024 marketplace opens. The pricing will be $9.99 and you get the versions for both simulators, and it’ll be released first on Got Friends’ own website.
This means that this is the latest beta version, and while it’s probably fairly representative of what will launch, it may not be exactly the same, as the good folks at Got Friends are likely working hard to iron out the last details as I write.
In the video below you can see me drive the buggy in several different places, including the Sand Dunes of Tottori in Japan, the Sahara desert, the Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, and even the roads of Iceland.
Project Crosskart is a lovely little toy if you want to explore the simulator from a different perspective, but quicker than if you were on foot. It’s fast, agile, can be customized with different parts, and has three levels of grip.
It’s also fairly easy to control and drive around, as long as you steer clear of photogrammetry (at least urban photogrammetry), big rocks, and thick forest. It’s fun and relaxing.
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is available for PC and Xbox Series X|S.
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 is also available for the same platforms following its recent release in November. if you want to see the massive visual difference against Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, you can enjoy our video and screenshot comparison.
Just yesterday we published an extensive interview with Head of Microsoft Flight Simulator Jorg Neumann about the present situation of the sim and the plans for the future.
Incidentally, a few days ago, Microsoft shared an extensive update about its plans for the sim, so you may want to read it to integrate what is said in this interview.
You can also check out our in-depth analysis of how much data the simulator downloads from the cloud, clearing the air from some widespread misinformation that made the rounds over the past few months.