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VRChat Update 2025.1.1 Squashes Bugs, Fixes Avatar Scaling, & More

Today, VRChat update 2025.1.1, the first update of the year, has officially gone live, implementing bug fixes and minor changes to help the overall user experience. To start, the 1567 Build of VRChat fixed Avatar scaling issues.

Avatar scaling parameters should now be synched immediately on other users upon joining your instance in an avatar at a non-standard height or will switch to an avatar at a non-standard height. Prints that were taken in worlds that are no longer available will also now work correctly.

You can take a look at the changes coming to VRChat with update 2025.1.1 by checking out the video below. If that isn’t enough, you can take a full look at them via the patch notes linked here.

The mobile version of the experience got some exclusive updates as well, including new Android-specific UI, working share logs, avatar station improvements, and log-in and loading issues.

For those unaware, VRChat is an online virtual world platform designed for VR headsets where players can interact with each other’s user-created 3D avatars and worlds. It was first released back in 2014 for Oculus Rift and later found its way to Steam in 2017.

The service has grown considerably since its initial release, most notably due to the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. On December 31, 2020, the service recorded a record of over 40,000 concurrent users for New Year’s Eve, even experiencing outages due to just how many people were playing when the clock struck Midnight.

VRChat is currently available as a free-to-play title on Steam and any headset that works with Steam VR. For more info on it and other updates coming to the platform, be sure to check back to Simulation Daily.

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