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Valorant Reveals Detailed Anti-Cheat & Map Updates; 4 Agent Also Getting Changes Soon

Today, Riot Games showed off a development update for their hit free-to-play tactical hero shooter Valorant. In the dedicated blog post and video below, the developers went into depth discussing their plans to improve the player experience by implementing even more measures to solve issues with cheating and the overall balance of the gameplay.

Since implementing its Vanguard anti-cheat four years ago, Valorant has banned over 3.6 million accounts just for cheating – a number that doesn’t even include actions taken against botting, boosting, or intentionally queuing with cheaters. Now, Riot is implementing yet another system called Ranked Rollbacks.

Ranked Rollbacks will essentially undo the RR you lost while playing against a cheater. This can only occur after the match has finished and the user has been banned, so there’s nothing you can do mid match. There are also plans to ban cheaters across all platforms in Valorant, with hardware bans ensuring the offenders can’t access the game regardless of whether they are playing on mobile, PC, Xbox, or PlayStation.

Sunset map is also getting some significant changes alongside the upcoming 9.08 and 9.10 Valorant patch. Those changes include making B-Site more defensible, removing that Cypher tripwire spot, and replacing the large corner tree in mid with a box to make the area a bit more balanced.

While it wasn’t specified exactly what changes were being made, it was revealed that Phoenix, Sage, Gekko, and Cypher will be getting some balancing updates as of Valorant patch 9.10. Cypher at least seems almost guaranteed to be getting nerfed, as indicated by their tripwire spot getting patched out, which we mentioned above.

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