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Today in Flight Simulation News – August 17, 2024

Microsoft Flight Simulator Warsaw Airport

While it’s the weekend, the flight simulation industry never stops, with developers delivering news and reveals for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

As usual, here at Simulation Daily, we publish a daily roundup with the news you may have missed and did not receive an individual article, as there’s simply too much to cover and too little time.

Yet, before we move onto the nitty-gritty, here are a couple of handy links to the flight simulation news that did get individual coverage.

Without further ado, let’s move on to more news. If you’re interested in general gaming news, we have a dedicated roundup for these as well.

Warsaw Airport for Microsoft Flight Simulator Is “On Final”

Drzewiecki Design announced that its upcoming Warsaw Chopin Airpor (EPWA) is “on final.” If you’re unfamiliar with aviation lingo, that means that it’s very close to release.

We also get plenty of screenshots of the airport, which you can see above.

Microsoft Flight Simulator BN-2T Turbine Islander Shows the Flight Deck

Blackbox Simulation revealed another look at its upcoming Britten-Norman BN-2T Turbine Islander, and more precisely the military Defender 4S version.

Last week, we heard that release was a couple of weeks, away, so it should be launching soon.

Flagler Executive Airport For Microsoft Flight Simulator Released

Today CAT3DUAL Studios released Flagler Executive Airport (KFIN) in Florida, United States, for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

It can be found on Simmarket for $10.05, including the following features.

If you’d like to get into flight simulation but you’d like a helping hand to get started, you can read our introductory guide, alongside the second episode focusing on installing add-ons, and another showcasing the basic instruments.

You can also read more flight simulation news in yesterday’s roundup article.

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