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TCG Card Shop Simulator Update 0.5 Adds Trading, New Worker Task, and More

customer trading in TCG Card Shop Simulator

TCG Card Shop Simulator has released update 0.5, marking off yet another long-term goal with customer trading. Plus, updates to some Tetramon artwork, new cards, and a new task for workers were added to the sim, too. 

The highlight of update 0.5 is the customer trading card feature. Now, customers can ask to sell or trade cards with the player. They’ll stand beside the Checkout Counter with a red exclamation point above their head, and players just need to interact with them to start the process. As players increase their shop level, more customers will want to sell or trade cards. 

Speaking of cards, workers can now do one of the most tedious tasks in the game: setting prices. Having a constantly changing market where items go up and down in price is great, but it can be a bit overwhelming to check the daily market changes. 

Now, players can task a worker to set the price of every item in the store to a specific percentage above the market price. They’ll do this once per day, keeping up with the market changes.

Several Tetramon cards received updated artwork, similar to what happened in update 0.48. Additionally, new Tetramon cards were added, like Toximuck.

Of course, several bugs were tackled in TCG Card Shop Simulator update 0.5 as well. Here are the ones that were fixed:

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