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Star Citizen Showcases New RSI Zeus MK II Ship and MFDs Coming in Alpha 3.24.2

Star Citizen RSI Zeus MK2

Today Cloud Imperium Games released another video showing relevant content and features coming to its space simulator Star Citizen.

The video is quite extensive and it includes two parts. The first focuses on the RSI Zeus MK II, a ship that will introduced with the upcoming incremental update Alpha 3.24.2.

Two variants of the ship will be introduced, including one with increased cargo space at the price of more cramped living spaces for the crew.

The second part focuses on a rather highly anticipated features, in the form of new in-ship user interface displayed on the MFD screens.

It’ll actually come in 5 different variants, four dedicated to specific manufacturers, and a fifth for the rest of the ship lineup until they get their own.

You can watch the video below.

If you’re unfamiliar with Star Citizen, it’s a crowdfunded multiplayer open-universe sandbox space simulator that has been in development for several years. It’s directed by Chris Roberts of Wing Commander fame.

The game has recently passed $721 million in crowdfunding ($721,384,471 at the moment of this writing) and counts 5,340,494 registered users. Of course, many of them aren’t paying customers, as they register accounts to enjoy Free Fly Events.

A a massive update numbered 4.0 is coming at some point this year introducing a whole new star system and many more features.

while a single-player campaign named Squadron 42 is also deep in development (and we learned last year that it was feature-complete), It starts an exceptional cast of famous actors including Mark Hamill, Henry Cavill, Gary Oldman, Liam Cunningham, Gillian Anderson, and more.

If you’re interested in Star Citizen, learning how to fly certainly won’t hurt. To that end, you can enjoy our helpful guide on how to get started with flight simulators.

Full disclosure: the author of this article has backed Star Citizen’s crowdfunding campaign.

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