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Ships at Sea Update v0.8 Improves Realism, Adds 3 New Ships, & Much More

After plenty of small patches and new features being introduced over the last few months by developer Misc Games, Ships at Sea update v0.8 is finally here. The new patch brings a wave of improvements, including brand-new features, plenty of bug fixes, and some general quality-of-life touch-ups that the sea-faring simulator has desperately needed.

One of the biggest introductions alongside the new update is the three new Tier 3 Ships: Turbo, Nordland, and Skomcat. Each is a different style of vessel, with the Turbo being a fishing ship, the Nordland a cargo ship, and the Skomkat a service ship.

You can take a quick peek at what each of these ships will look like in the trailer below:

Ships at Sea update v0.8 features more than just shiny new toys, as it introduces new service operations and lighthouse missions to help occupy your adventures on the open sea. Alongside the lighthouse missions comes a searchlight system, wich features the ability to switch between multiple searchlights and adjust brightness according to your need.

While operating the searchlight system, you’ll need to balance electrical issues via the Power Outages service, which has you swapping outbreaks and gears in cabinets in order to get things back up and running. Lastly, the fish production line and purse seine fishing features that were mentioned in early updates have finally made their way into the game.

You can check out the full list of other minor changes and balances by heading over to the official Steam page for the patch notes here. Ships at Sea is currently available now in early access via Steam starting at $24.99.

It originally launched back in 2023, adding plenty of new content to the game monthly with three significant additions since August, including tier 3 cranes, a MacDuff partnership, and co-op play. For more information on the title and other simulator games, be sure to check back to Simulation Daily.

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