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Sea Power: Naval Combat in the Missile Age Reveals Early Access Release Date

Sea Power Aircraft Carrier

Triassic Games and MicroProse announced the release date of the strategy simulation game Sea Power: Naval Combat in the Missile Age Reveals Release Date.

A few weeks ago, we learned that the early access would start in November, but now we know exactly when. Everyone will be able to get their hands on this promising game on November 12.

The developer has also announced what players can expect from the early access phase:

The plan is also to add more units and improve their AI during the early access period.

If you’re unfamiliar with Sea Power: Naval Combat in the Missile Age, it’s a real-time strategy simulation game that brings us back to the Cold War era, letting players control ships, aircraft, and submarines across a variety of theaters like the North Atlantic, Persian Gulf, Gulf of Tonkin, the Mediterranean, and more.

Since its inception, the game, which has been announced only for PC, has showcased extreme ambition, from the vast complexity of its battle engagements to the crazy number of available naval units and aircraft, all reèproduced in great detail and awesome visual fidelity.

It was one of the games in the first wave (and perhaps the most promising) announced when MicroProse relaunched its brand in 2019, and it’s great to see it finally come to fruition.

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