Marvelous USA is celebrating Valentine’s Day in the sweetest way possible — by sharing bachelor and bachelorette trailers for Rune Factory: Guardians of Azuma.
Each of the 16 love interests has their time to shine in two different trailers. Though they’re separated by gender, it’s worth noting that players can romance any of the love interests regardless of gender.
Marvelous also revealed fun biographies for each of the characters, as well, including the protagonists, Subaru and Kaguya.
They both are from a cold village in the North, where they left to save the world. They grew up as childhood friends. Both characters are calm and enjoy nature in different ways, with Subaru preferring to stare at the sky and Kaguya enjoying animals and flowers.
Subaru doesn’t enjoy battling, but he’s quick to fight for his friends and family, as well as to protect justice. Similarly, Kaguya is easygoing until she encounters injustice and evil.
Iroha, the Cheerful Teahouse Proprietress, is the owner of the teahouse in Spring Village. She’s friendly and aspires to grow Spring Village to its past grandeur.
Murasame, The Swordsman Seeking Greatness, is a wandering samurai whose goal is to become the strongest swordsman in the world. He fights with the Munen Muso sword styles and spends his time training and prepping for battle.
Hina, the Mysterious Archaeologist from Rune Factory 5, is a half-human, half-fox that traveled to Azuma with Mauro. She’s dedicated to helping those around her.
Mauro, the Adventurer Who Sails the Skies, is a treasure hunter who’s tracking down a legendary treasure. He’s very empathetic and cries easily.
Ulalaka, the Peaceful God of Spring and Mirth, is kind and gentle. She genuinely wants everyone to be happy and at peace in their lives.
Matsuri, the Boisterous God of Summer and Swords, loves physical activity and likes to solve problems with her strength.
Kurama, the Astute God of Autumn and Wind, is calm and incredibly smart. He’s very tactical, which makes him somewhat of a prodigy at games from all eras.
Fubuki, the Half-Beast God of Winter and Water, is a caring, anxious soul who’s always worried about hurting others.
Kanata, the Prestigious God of Light and the Heavens, is the official representative of all the gods. While she’s very smart and generally serious, she does have her moments that break that.
Kai, the Oni God of the Underworld, is known for his strength and mask. Despite his tough exterior and selfish habits, he’s kind to his retainers.
Clarice, the Deadly Beatury, is the leader of a group that came to Azuma. She’s a soldier through and through.
Ikagura, the Mystic Leader of the Jingasa Corps, is a mystic from the capital. While he’s generally calm, he’ll go to the ends of the earth for the things he wants.
Pilika, the Huntress Who Honors All Life, is one of the best hunters in Azuma. She feels a deep connection to nature, respecting every living thing.
Cuiland, the Soft-Spoken Pupper Master, is a mechanical expert from Autumn Village. While he’s quiet and reserved, he’s reliable and will always help those in need.
Pilika and Cuiland are only available with the Seasons of Love DLC bundle.
Excited fans can watch the Rune Factory: Guardians of Azuma bachelor and bachelorette trailers below:
Players can also check out the artwork of all the Rune Factory: Guardians of Azuma bachelors and bachelorettes below:

Rune Factory: Guardians of Azuma will be released on May 30 on PC and Nintendo Switch.
In case you’ve missed it, be sure to check out the past looks at the combat and town building, plus a more in-depth look at how romance works.