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Pokémon Go’s Next Season, Dual Destiny, Comes Next Month With Plenty of New ‘Mons

Dual Destiny Pokemon Go

Pokémon Go: Dual Destiny is coming on December 3, launching the next season of the AR game. With it comes a lot of changes to the Pokémon available in nearly every aspect of the game. 

To kick things off, the next Pokémon Go tour is in Unova. More information on this will come on November 27, but the next Pokémon Go tour will be celebrating the region in Pokémon Black/White. This gives me hope that a Black/White remake is in the future, especially since it should be the next generation to be remade if The Pokémon Company continues to remake games sequentially. 

Dual Destiny will start a bit later, and the first thing players will probably notice is the Special Research. It will unlock in stages throughout the season. More Pokémon will debut as well, including Sinistea and Polteageist. 

More Shadow Raids will be coming too. Five-star Shadow Raids will come on Saturdays and Sundays, and Shadow Regirock, Shadow Regice, and Shadow Registeel will pop up (Shinies included). Max Battles will stay in the game, including Gigantamax Lapras, Dynamax Krabby, and Dynamax Machop. 

The Go Battle League is coming back, and different competitions give players a chance to show their skills in PvP action. Some of these cups include the Fantasy Cup, Love Cup, and Holiday Cup. For more information on all the rewards, encounters, full schedule, and more, check out the official Battle League page.

Field Research encounters are changing, and it will include Alolan Raichu, Pancham, Fufrou, Hisuian Avalugg, Jangmo-o, and Frigibax. All of these have a chance to be Shiny, with the exception of Frigibax. 

New Pokémon for each biome were teased, including the following:

Egg drops are also being rotated, including the following:

Plus, eggs from Mateo’s gift exchange will include Galarian Farfetch’d, Galarian Corsola, Pancham, and the regional Basculins. Adventure Sync rewards include:

The first Community Day has been announced as well, which will take place from December 21 to 22. 

And, of course, there are plenty of themed stickers to find. Additionally, Eggs-spedition Access is a new experience players can buy into each month. 

Pokémon Go: Dual Destiny will take place from December 3, 2024 to March 4, 2025 at 10 am local time on each date. 

Players can watch the Pokémon Go: Dual Destiny trailer below:

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