After 10 weeks of early access, Grinding Gear Games has released eight patches and 31 hotfixes for its hit RPG sequel, Path of Exile 2. Today, the developers detailed their plans for the upcoming 0.2.0 update, highlighting build balancing, itemization, and improving the overall quality-of-life experience for users.
One of the most important quality-of-life improvements emphasized is ensuring players aren’t wasting their time. The devs are combating this by working with the ability to teleport around the map with checkpoints and overwrite items in sockets, reducing respec cost, fixing dodge roll clipping, and making reviving in multiplayer easier.
Low-level characters will also find that many numbers have been buffed, making the earlier experience a bit less of a grind. Grinding Gear Games mentioned they are paying close attention to feedback in general when it comes to builds so that they can make sure that the balancing isn’t too high or too low while also offering more build-defining uniques.
Endgame content is another considerable focus of Path of Exile 2’s early access development at the moment. Progression balancing, buffed drops from rare monsters, decreased difficulty, and more “cool things” in general will be added to the post-game portion of the game to make playing it a more worthwhile experience for players in update 0.2.0.
At the moment, there is no specific timeline or release planned for Path of Exile 2 update 0.2.0, though they did state they hope to release major content updates every few months while the game is in early access. The base game is currently available for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S starting at $29.99.