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Muv-Luv Tactics: Nightmare of Kalidasa Reveals Gameplay & Concept Art

Muv-Luv Tactics Chisa Misato Hero

During a livestream from Tokyo, the developers of Muv-Luv Tactics: Nightmare of Kalodasa revealed gameplay and more.

In the recording of the livestream below, we get to see a couple of missions including the deployment phase and combat.

As we already know, the game is a strategy simulation RPG with turn-based gameplay and below you can take a much more extensive look at how it’ll work.

Creator Kouki Yoshimune also showcased plenty of concept artwork, including the space elevator (we know the game is set in a separate timeline from that of Muv-Luv Alternative), the US Space Force F-15 TSF, the protagonist Chisa Misato and her second in command Shigesue Suzuki, on top of a XG70c Susanoo armed with an additional missile pod.

We also see an interesting anti-laser drop pod and a conversation between Alfred Walken and his superior, Lieutenant General Virgil.

Update: the developers have started providing full-resolution versions of the concept art, and we’ll gradually add them to the gallery below.

The game is currently being crowdfunded on Campfire with 37% of 60 million yen currently pledged and 4 days to go. If you want to contribute, you’ll be able to do so on the campaign’s official page.

Do keep in mind that, as explained in the livestream, the crowdfunding uses the all-in and not the all-of-nothing method, so reaching the goal is not required for the project to be funded.

This project is the beginning of a fairly extensive roadmap of Muv-Luv games envisioned by its creators. If you’re unfamiliar with Muv-Luv, it’s a franchise created by âge mostly focused on sci-fi visual novels that debuted in Japan in 2003.

The original game for PC (which actually includes two visual novels, Muv-Luv Extra and Muv-Luv Unlimited) was followed by Muv-Luv Alternative completing the original trilogy in 2006. It’s considered by many one of the best visual novels ever published.

The trilogy was then ported to several platforms including PS3, Xbox 360, PS Vita, Steam, and recently Nintendo Switch. It was also localized in English in 2016 following a very successful Kickstarter campaign.

Several additional visual novels have since expanded the franchise’s universe, and we also games from different genres like the action RPG Project MIKHAIL: A Muv-Luv War Story and the recent mobile game Muv-Luv Dimensions, which is unfortunately shutting down next year.

Incidentally, the enhanced edition of another of âge’s most popular visual novels, Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien, which is widely considered Muv-Luv’s prequel, has recently been released on Steam with an English localization for the first time.

Full disclosure: the author of this article backed Muv-Luv Tactics: Nightmare of Kalidasa’s crowdfunding campaign.

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