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Today in Flight Simulation News – August 5, 2024

Today Flight Simulation add-on developers shared plenty of news for Microsoft Flight Simulator and more, including aircraft and scenery.

Here on Simulation Daily, we publish daily roundups to help you stay in touch with everything happening in the super-lively Flight Simulation industry.

To start, you can check out a reveal from earlier this morning, which received its own individual coverage.

Now, without further ado, I leave you with all the news. If you’re interested in general gaming news, you can take a look at the dedicated roundup.

Naha Airport for Microsoft Flight Simulator Gets Tons of New Screenshots

MK Studios opened a store page for its upcoming Naha Airport (ROAH) serving the capital city of Okinawa Prefecture in Japan, and while it’s still not available for purchase (it’ll be released on Thursday, August 8), we get to enjoy plenty of new screenshots.

We also get a final list of features and pricing information. It’ll cost roughly $21 including VAT.

TL-3000 Sirius Ultralight for Microsoft Flight Simulator Enters Alpha Testing Page

FSReborn announced that its upcoming ultralight aircraft TL-3000 Sirius has entered its alpha testing stage. The aircraft should come “very soon” and features sounds by Sim Acoustics.

Jackson Hole Airport Released

Today Dreamflight released its Jackson Hole Airport (KJAC) in the United States. The airport is available on Contrail for €17,84.

It includes the following features.

Birmingham Airport for Microsoft Flight Simulator Confirmed

Back in January, developer Pyreegue teased an upcoming airport, and many were quick to identify the somewhat obscure tease (which you can see above) as Birmingham Airport (EGBB) in the UK.

Today the developer officially confirmed it and mentioned that it’s the next in line for release.

Halifax VFR Scenery for FSX and P3D Released

FlightsimDesign Chile released an add-on to improve Halifax in Nova Scotia, Canada for the older generation of simulators, Microsoft Flight Simulator X, and Lockheed Martin Prepar3D.

It’s available on Simmarket for $16.52 with the following perks.

in case you missed it, you can enjoy yesterday’s roundup with more flight simulation news.

If you’re new to flight simulation and you’re interested in trying it out, you can find help in our starting guide, alongside our second article on how to install and maintain add-ons in Microsoft Flight Simulator.

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