Today, CCP Games and Massively Multiplayer Online Science (MMOS) revealed the launch of their collaboration within the renowned sci-fi MMO, EVE Online. Titled Project Discovery: Phase Four, this new initiative expands upon the ability to research critical immune system diseases as a part of the game.
Since it is all based on real-life procedures, strides that are made in EVE Online Discovery: Phase 4 are also applicable to potentially helping solve real-world diseases like cancer. This has been added to the game starting today and is part of a brand-new minigame that hopes to deal a significant blow to diseases.
First added to EVE Online back in 2020, Project Discovery has already been a huge success, as the player base of over 900,000 made substantial contributions to accelerating research for a vaccine for COVID-19. You can see a breakdown of all four phases of the project below:
Key Features of Project Discovery Phase Four:
- Expanded research focus on critical immune system diseases, including cancer
- Enhanced minigame with revised tutorial and advanced analysis techniques
- More complex scientific challenges for players
- Exclusive cosmetic rewards
Project Discovery Achievements Since 2020:
- Over 900,000 EVE Online players participating
- More than 500 million citizen science games played
- Two high-performing AI models developed from player-generated data
- One Webby People’s Voice Award for contributions to science and society
EVE Online is currently available for free on PC. For more information, be sure to check Simulation Daily for updates. That includes plenty of Flight Simulator news, info on the new Sword Art Online game, and a tease of what is to come with Grandblue Fantasy Versus: Rising.