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Elite Dangerous Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary With Free Paint Job

Gold Wireframe paint job in Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous, the MMO space sim from Frontier Developments, is celebrating its 10 year anniversary today, and to do so it’s giving out a free paint job. 

The reward is a sleek Gold Wireframe Paint Job that’s available in the game’s store until December 20 at 3 pm UTC.

An 18-minute video from several of the developers was also released, giving insight into the history and future of the game. To kick it off, President and Founder David Braben talked about how ambitious Elite Dangerous was at the start. They wanted to push the galaxy in Elite Dangerous as far as it could go from a story perspective.

Chief Executive Officer Jonny Watts reminisced about the way space games were seen as dated already 25 years ago. They decided to self-publish the game, a move that was received really well on Kickstarter. 

Braben explained that the vision for Elite Dangerous, and the entire franchise, is to create a world where the player just isn’t that important in the grand scheme of things. He attributes a lot of the success of Elite Dangerous to this ability to grow and work your way up.

The two shared some of the technical challenges that came with creating an ambitious space game and how they overcame them. From the start, it wanted to be as scientifically correct as possible. For a game made in space, this can be quite a challenge today – nevertheless 10-plus years ago.

Other major developers chimed in as well, including the Head of Community, PR, and Comms Arthur Tolmie; Brand Manager Zac Cocken; and Creators of the Elite Partner Program, including The Burr Pit, Commander Exorcist, and Psykit. 

The team goes through some of the history of Elite Dangerous and recent events, as well. They also spoke to brand-new players about jumping into the game and some of the things players can expect in the future. Fans can watch the Elite Dangerous anniversary video below:

For those interested in Elite Dangerous but haven’t played (or haven’t played recently), check out the latest Ascendancy update.

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