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DCS World Iraq Map Released in Early Access

DCS World Iraq Map Mig-29

Today Eagle Dynamics released in early access the newest location available for DCS World, and it’s Iraq.

The map is available in two versions. You can get the full thing for $55.99, while the North can be purchased on its own for $39.99.

It’s worth mentioning that the partial map still gives you access to the full map, so it’s compatible, the southern area is simply displayed in lower detail.

Below you can enjoy the trailer showing it off. As usual, DCS World trailers tend to be worth watching regardless of whether you intend to purchase. They’re pure aviation porn.

Here’s what you can expect and a list of elements that are still work-in-progress due to the map being in Early Access.

Key Features

Early Access Features

Features Coming During Early Access

Installing the whole map will require a whopping 75.35 Gigabytes.

If you prefer more Nordic locations, today we also got trailers for the two sides of the Arctic Thunder campaign, which have been made available with the latest update and are set on the Kola Map.

If you’re unfamiliar with DCS World, it’s a free-to-play military flight simulator focusing on aviation from World War 2 to the present day. It’s available exclusively on PC.

Of course, nothing of quality is really “free” and fully enjoying the simulator requires the purchase of additional modules like the map and campaigns mentioned today, albeit Eagle Dynamics has a pretty solid trial and introductory discount programs, on top of frequent sales.

DCS World is well known among enthusiasts to be quite challenging for those who aren’t familiar with complex flight simulation. Enjoying most of its advanced aircraft requires days or even weeks of study. That being said, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing and many hardcore simmers find it quite rewarding.

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