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DCS World Producer Shares Details on Future Plans, World Map, and More

F-16 in DCS World

Today DCS World Producer Matt “Wags” Wagner released an extensive video answering a number of questions from the community and sharing info on Eagle Dynamics’ plans for the future.

Asked whether Eagle Dynamics plans to add FPS shooter aspects to the simulator, Wagner mentioned that the genre is very crowded, so that’s definitely not a priority. However armored vehicle simulation is much more likely in the future.

We then hear that older maps like Caucasus and Nevada will be updated at some point, to bring them up to par with newer ones. Yet, it won’t be this year because the team is busy with the maps that are in development. One obstacle to this operation is having to make sure that current missions and campaigns developed for these maps remain compatible with the updated versions.

Wagner confirmed the Cold War Germany map that is in the pipeline and was teased a few days ago. A Vietnam War map is “very much on the want-to-do list” but it will require significant improvements and additions to Eagle Dynamics’ terrain development kit to get it right. As such, there are no immediate plans for it right now.

He then talked about the world map, which is still in development. The developers are looking into the possibility of using it to fly between detailed regional maps. It’s something they want to do but can’t guarantee it.

Unfortunately, the world map is an “absolutely massive project” and it’s years away. When it’s complete, it’ll cover about 80% of the globe. Wagner mentioned that Eagle Dynamics would love to have the budgets and resources of Microsoft Flight Simulator, but they don’t. Even so, he believes players will be pleased with the end results.

They’re currently developing the tools so that satellite imagery, elevation data, and more can be fed to the AI so that it can populate the Earth. At the moment the project is in an R&D phase and news will be shared when it becomes available.

Multiplayer for the World Map will likely come a bit later after it is released. Mission creators will be able to add, remove, and alter structures as well as override areas.

Multi-crew bombers could be considered after the world map is released since they don’t make much sense with the current regional maps.

Eagle Dynamics is designing several new game mods and the possibility of saving the state of a mission. They’re also doing a fair amount of work on data capture to allow players to build up their pilot persona with rewards. Wagner hopes to be able to talk about this in the not-so-distant future.

The ability to save the state of a mission will let players basically save everything that’s happening and resume at a later time. The only things that won’t be saved are missiles, bombs, and bullets in the air.

The developer sees a lot of growth potential in the “fly with friends” aspect of multiplayer including an improved friend list, and a squadron manager.

The developers are doing design work on really sophisticated and accurate ATC systems. Right now they’re working on a new UI for it, to replace the dated menu system. They’re considering how to do the voice-overs, whether with AI or recorded actors.

Interestingly, they’re also working on a program that would allow players to take part in multiplayer missions placed in a ground object and acting as air traffic controllers both over voice and data. This is still early in development.

Many of the aspects from Supercarrier should be possible to carry over to ground airfield. At first Eagle Dynamics would focus on a crew chief and a marshaller. Yet, before they tackle this, they want to finish the Supercarrier module.

Lastly, there are “definitely” no plans to move to another engine like Unreal Engine 5, as no other engine available can do what DCS World needs. You can watch the full video below.

If you’re unfamiliar with DCS World, it’s a free-to-play military flight simulator focusing on aviation from World War 2 to the present day. It’s available exclusively for PC on Eagle Dynamics’ own store and Steam.

While the base package is free, and fully enjoying the simulator requires the purchase of additional modules like aircraft and the maps mentioned above, albeit Eagle Dynamics has a solid trial and introductory discount programs, on top of frequent sales.

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