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DCS World Devs Show CH-47 Chinook in Action

DCS World Chinook

Today DCS World developer Eagle Dynamics released an extensive video about the upcoming Boeing CH-47F Chinook tandem-rotor military transport helicopter.

The module is expected to launch in early access soon like most aircraft in DCS World, and today we get to see the procedure for taxiing and two different ways to take off.

Incidentally, it’s worth mentioning that the helicopter isn’t finished, so some elements may be different from the product that will release down the line.

You can check out the video below. Incidentally, another video was published recently focusing on a cold start.

If you’re unfamiliar with DCS World, it’s a flight simulator dedicated to military aircraft, ranging from World War 2 to the present day. It’s available exclusively on PC (via Steam or Eagle Dynamics’ own store) and the base product is free to play.

That being said, it’s worth keeping in mind that fully enjoying it pretty much requires the purchase of additional modules like the Chinook showcased here, albeit Eagle Dynamic has a pretty solid trial and introductory discount program.

DCS World is well known among enthusiasts to be quite challenging for those who aren’t familiar with advanced flying simulation, and flying its more cutting-edge aircraft requires days or even weeks of study. Of course, this is what many flight simulation aficionados want and it can be very rewarding.

If you’re intimidated by the apparent complexity of flight simulation, but you’re interested in giving it a try, you read our introductory guide, alongside the second episode focusing on installing add-ons.

You can also keep up to date with the flight simulation news via our daily roundup articles.

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