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Crusader Kings 3 Reveals Details About Upcoming “Crown” Update

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Paradox showcased some of the changes that will come with the next patch for Crusader Kings 3, numbered 1.15.0 and nicknamed “Crown.”

Today we got the introduction of systems that are related to realm maintenance, starting with the rework of court positions, involving a new UI that will make them easier to visualize.

There will be a way to visualize court positions that you could potentially fill and even automation. Depending on the setting (toggled per position), you can have an event that suggests the best candidates when a position is vacated, or the candidate with the best attitude automatically selected, with or without a notification.

In order to encourage using court positions, gold salaries have been lowered and part of the cost has been shifted to prestige. Tasks also have costs in gold, prestige, or piety.

The position come with effects for their holders and now players can even request court positions from their own liege.

The movement and handling of armies can be automated in order to let players focus on other things besides warfare, while allied armies will now tell players what they’re doing.

Warfare AI has been overhauled and will actively seek war score. Great holy wars also received their own set of rules the AI will follow, first gathering its forces in a safe area and then moving them to a staging area before attacking.

The character interaction UI has been overhauled to make it more streamlined and intuitive and you can also select “favorite” actions that will appear at the top menu.

It’ll be possible to right-click on a specific area to raise armies removing the need to create a new rally point.

Administrative Governments will receive the new Eparch court position, focused on improving the capital in various ways with expensive tasks.

A new casus belli against administrative governments called Seize Peripheral Duchy will make it easier to reclaim lands out of an empire’s De Jure territory.

Clan governments have been tweaked letting vassals be tax collectors. Only powerful vassals will expect an alliance with their lieges, and there will be no legitimacy penalty for marrying lowborn characters as secondary wives.

Commander traits gained tiers and can be leveled up, while the barber shop has been greatly expanded to let you customize your character to your heart’s content.

The game rules will have more options for the Realm Stability toggle, while you can make Scourge of the Gods conquerors appear less often without removing them completely with a “low random” option.

It’ll be more intuitive to assign guardians and find kids who need one, while new major decisions will let you form two new empires, Beth Narain for rulers of Syriac heritage, and the Empire of Hindustan.

Lastly, a new icon will let you see if an army is led by a ruler.

You can get more information in the video below.

Incidentally, tomorrow we’ll get a lot of information about the content coming in Chapter 4, including an overhaul for nomadic rulers.

If you’re unfamiliar with Crusader Kings 3, it’s a grand-strategy game with extremely compelling RPG elements, available for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.

That being said, expansion and updates usually come to consoles much later, as happened with previous DLC.

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