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American Truck Simulator Show New Industries of Missouri DLC and New Cargo Loads

American Truck Simulator developer SCS Software released new screenshots of the upcoming Missouri DLC.

The screenshots showcase some of the industries that you’ll find in the Show Me State, including a massive factory that makes bodywork for pickup trucks.

We also get to see a Feedmill that produces animal food and a historic beverage factory with distinctive 19th and early 20th-century buildings.

Alongside the DLC, we’re also getting new cargo both for the base game and for the Heavy Cargo Pack DLC, including Scaffolding, Cattle Barriers, Moving Pods, a Forklift, and Body Crane Trucks.

Specific to the Heavy Cargo Pack DLC are a Mobile Screener, a Mobile Crusher, and a Mobile Stacker.

You can enjoy the gallery below.

American Truck Simulator is available exclusively for PC and it’s the sister game to Euro Truck Simulator 2. The beta for version 1.54 has recently been released with new features and perks.

Recently we have seen much more of the Missouri DLC, which is likely to be the next in line for release (while it doesn’t have an official release date just yet). You can check out its lakes and rivers, Maryvilleits junctions and intersectionsCape Girardeauthe iconic underground warehousesthe custom depots, more custom depots, Kansas City, St. Louis, and plenty of gameplay.

The sim also recently received the Arkansas DLC while Louisiana (alongside its truck stops) and Illinois have recently been announced and we’ve also already seen a bit of Iowa on top of its truck stops.

A few weeks ago, we saw an extensive livestream in which the developers provided a lot of info and even images of more content coming down the line, including new trucks.

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