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American Truck Simulator Teases Illinois DLC to Complete Route 66

American Truck Simulator End

SCS Software released a tease of an upcoming DLC for its popular game American Truck Simulator, and it’s going to be Illinois.

The teaser portrays the “end” of the historical Route 66 and the only missing state through which the legendary highway runs through, is indeed Illinois. If you’re wondering, the other end in California is already included in the simulator.

This means that when this DLC releases, patient visual truckers will be able to drive from Chicago to Santa Monica uninterrupted, along the whole Route 66, albeit the scale won’t be exactly the same.

Still, it’ll be quite the experience. You can check out the teaser below.

American Truck Simulator is available exclusively for PC and it’s the sister game to Euro Truck Simulator 2. It has recently been updated with version 1.53 which included phase 4 of the California rework with Santa Maria, Oxnard, Mojave, Barstow, Indio, Blythe, Los Angeles, San Diego, and El Centro.

Of course, the Illinois DLC doesn’t have a release date just yet. SCS Software usually announces release dates only when they are very close.

It’s likely that the Missouri DLC will come first, and if you want to take a look, you can check out its lakes and rivers, Maryvilleits junctions and intersectionsCape Girardeauthe iconic underground warehouses, and the custom depots.

The sim also recently received the Arkansas DLC while Lousiana has recently been announced and we’ve also seen a bit of Iowa.

We recently saw an extensive livestream in which the developers provided a lot of info and even images of more content coming down the line, including new trucks.

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