Simulation Daily covers news and content about all aspects of simulation, gaming, and related entertainment and tech with fairness and honesty, striving to fact-check its information as thoroughly as possible and to report only from official or reliable sources.
While anonymous sources may occasionally be covered when they are considered reliable or cited by a source that is regarded as trustworthy, their anonymity will be clearly indicated in our coverage.
Sourcing and Attribution
Simulation Daily will at times report news and content published by other authors and outlets. Said authorship will be clearly indicated in our articles by including the name of the original outlet or author and a link to their content.
If you believe content that originated from you or your outlet has been erroneously attributed to someone else, please contact our Editor-in-Chief at and we will do our best to verify your claim and amend our article if warranted.
Mistakes and Corrections
While Simulation Daily’s staff does its best to only publish truthful and verified information, honest mistakes happen. If you believe one of our articles includes incorrect information or details, please contact our Editor-in-Chief at and we will do our best to verify your claim and amend our article if warranted.
Any correction will be clearly indicated within the article that has been amended.
Conflicts of Interest
All writers working on Simulation Daily will explicitly disclose any possible conflict of interest and relationship with the companies and products covered in their articles. While Simulation Daily is owned and financed by Orbx Simulation Systems, its staff retains editorial independence and will strive to cover products from all companies and developers impartially. You may see ads promoting Orbx’s products across the website.
Simulation Daily does not publish reviews or similar articles that constitute purchasing advice, and its writers pledge to prevent any commercial interest from undermining the content’s independence and reliability.
Simulation Daily’s writers are allowed to participate in crowdfunding campaigns, but they will disclose said participation in any article related to the product or company involved.
Product Access and Expenses Paid by Third Parties
While Simulation Daily does not publish reviews, its staff may be given access to products for other purposes, for instance, unpublished video games or add-on content for the purpose of writing a pre-release preview or to prepare for an interview. Said access will be clearly indicated in the related articles.
A common industry practice is for a publisher or developer to offer paid travel, accommodation, or similar expenses to allow a website’s staff to participate in preview events around the world. Said contributions will be clearly indicated in the related articles.
In no case, our writers will accept monetary compensation of any kind from third parties. Receiving industry-standard swag of strictly limited value is acceptable as long as it does not impact the content and coverage in any way.
Social Media
Only Simulation Daily’s official social media accounts can be considered representative of the outlet. Our writers and editors have their own social media accounts and public-facing presence, but these features exclusively their personal opinions and do not represent Simulation Daily as a whole.
General Conduct
Our staff is expected to conduct themselves with politeness and respect at all times while at work. This includes relating with their colleagues, our readers, and other industry professionals.
While our editorial content may express criticism of companies or even individuals within the industry, this shall be always done with due respect and fairness.
Simulation Daily staunchly opposes all forms of plagiarism and features only original content written by its staff. The only exceptions are quotes clearly attributed to their original authors.
If you see any content on Simulation Daily that you believe has been plagiarized, please contact our Editor-in-Chief at and we will do our best to verify your claim and treat it with the utmost severity if such claim proves accurate.
We will also pursue the removal or attribution of any detected plagiarism of our content. If you want to quote or report part of our content, we kindly require proper link credit to our original article.
Generative AI
All the content published on Simulation Daily is created by humans. Our writers and editors are strictly forbidden from using generative AI of any kind while working on the site.
Timed Embargos and NDAs
While we strive to inform our readers to the best of our abilities, the use of NDAs and embargos is a standard in our industry. Simulation Daily and its staff will respect them whenever required by our partners and peers.
Any proposed contractual obligation that would impact the impartiality and fairness of our content will not be accepted.